9-12-09 Protest in Washington, DC

912 Protest Washington, DC. A pictorial view of the massive protest by Americans on September 12, 2009. Non-Partisan Views and Protests. Many commentators who werent at the protest claimed that the participants were die-hard stereotypical Republicans targeting the Democratic party. Were they to see images such as these, they might have looked for the facts before letting loose with their naysaying words. Plenty of protesters regard both parties as betraying their offices. Two variations on the old Ma.


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A tee shirt expresses the emotions of many people who participate in the Tea Party movement. The crowd spread wide, even here early in the event. Former Congressman and House Majority Leader Dick Armey of Texas, now of Tea Party coordinator FreedomWorks, is interviewed by John King of CNN at the site of the Tax Day Tea Party. Messages to Congress and the President. This sign expresses the complaint that too many pieces of recent prominent legislature have been mon.


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9-12-09 Protest in Washington, DC


912 Protest Washington, DC. A pictorial view of the massive protest by Americans on September 12, 2009. Non-Partisan Views and Protests. Many commentators who werent at the protest claimed that the participants were die-hard stereotypical Republicans targeting the Democratic party. Were they to see images such as these, they might have looked for the facts before letting loose with their naysaying words. Plenty of protesters regard both parties as betraying their offices. Two variations on the old Ma.


The domain 912dc.dhwritings.com states the following, "912 Protest Washington, DC." I observed that the website also stated " A pictorial view of the massive protest by Americans on September 12, 2009." They also stated " Many commentators who werent at the protest claimed that the participants were die-hard stereotypical Republicans targeting the Democratic party. Were they to see images such as these, they might have looked for the facts before letting loose with their naysaying words. Plenty of protesters regard both parties as betraying their offices. Two variations on the old Ma."



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